Savo Fries and Patti Albaugh sport Jif Peanut Butter shirts as a reminder of the Protein for Growing Minds project. Savo Fries, never one to miss an opportunity for humor, has a clown nose to commemorate Red Nose Day, a nonprofit activity to help disadvantaged children.
Patti R. Albaugh
On May 25, 2017 SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary launched the project Protein for Growing Minds to help ease hunger in Pinal County children and senior citizens. Cynthia Chevalley of Tri-Community Food-Bank inspired the project. At an earlier meeting she told Rotary members that hunger is especially problematic in the Copper Corridor of Pinal County because of the collapse of the mining industry. Adding to the problem is lack of access to school lunches during the summer. Those most affected are young people who need nutrition for developing brains. When asked what food item is most in demand, Cynthia replied “peanut butter.”
On the third Thursday of each month, members bring in jars of peanut butter or cans of tuna that will be collected and taken to the Tri-Community Food Bank. Members are reminded that whenever they pass the peanut butter at the grocery store, grab a jar of protein. As a result, more children will have increased access to protein foods that help brain development and enhance attentiveness in school and play. The project includes other sources of protein such as tuna fish and dried beans.
Members of the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club make contributions of time and money to assist those within our community and over the world. Won’t you join us? We meet every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. at the MountainView Country Club. Please contact Membership Chair Mark Douglas at mdouglas.patoperro@gmail.com.