Programs! Step right up and get your red hot programs!

Program Heads: Pat Wells (left) 
Linda Weiss

Program Heads: Pat Wells (left) 
Linda Weiss

As a child of the 60s a program meant a TV show-—the happy opposite of its evil twin, homework. In the 70s a program became a software term for digital gobbledy-gook written by smart geeks in sandals. In the 80s it circled back to the TV in the form of programming the VCR, a challenge which has left me scarred to this very day. In the entertainment world a program is a pamphlet handed out at a theater or a ballgame—which doubles as a fan on a warm night.

Here in the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club there is a new meaning to the term program. What exactly is it? It is a playlist of songs and dances selected from the club’s iPad data base of hundreds of different songs. Volunteers who create programs express their musical preferences by choosing from a wide range of music genres-—ballroom, country western, Latin, swing, blues and pop. Trust me; it’s far easier than using a remote! Program leaders play an important role in our club by creating the framework for every practice session.

The club would like to recognize Linda Weiss and Pat Wells, our Program Committee heads, who recruit and train the volunteers who make up our Wednesday and Sunday programs. Linda and Pat work diligently to sign up program leaders for several months in advance, which ensure a continuous support structure for the club. Thank you, Linda, Pat and all of the volunteers who have stepped up to do programs; you truly represent the backbone of our club.

So get with the program! Come try out line dancing at the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club. Drop in to our instructional Level 1 Workshop which is held on our new summer schedule on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to noon in the MountainView Ballroom East. You will be most welcome and will meet others who are new. Or come to our Wednesday Level 1 program from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the MountainView Ballroom. Times and places may vary so please check our website at and click on Calendar for the latest updates. Join the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club for just $10 and enjoy line dancing all year long in 2015. Contact treasurer Judy Saks at 225-0040. See you on the dance floor!