Bob Edelblut
The opening round of the 2018 Pima Cup season was held on December 5. Surprisingly, weather was not an obstacle and the six players representing the MPMGA Men’s Club were eager to tackle the challenging La Paloma Golf Course as well as their opponents for the day from the Forty Niners Golf Club. Everyone knew that a good opening round performance was critical if our club was to be successful in its attempt to finish the season at the top. Nothing like stress!
Ron Victor, Men’s Club Pima Cup Co-Ordinator, did a masterful job setting up his three teams for the opening match. Doug Johnson and Fred Schneider were our A team. Both, as you know, are experienced in Pima Cup competition. Bruce Keefer and Ron Victor were our B team and our C team was another pair of grizzly veterans—John Bidegain and Len Raab. And guess what—all three teams played exceptionally well! Look at these scores: Johnson and Schneider tied their match winning 9 points; Bidegain and Raab did the same winning another 9 points; and Victor and Keefer lost by a single point 8.5 to 9.5. It really could not have been a closer match. Great job, gentlemen—winning a total of 26.5 points and getting us off to a super start.