Pickleball courts
Tom Kruse
The HOA2 Transition Team and the HOA2 Golf Task Force have negotiated land for SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association to build more courts. If HOA2 residents approve the purchase of the Mountain View and Preserve Golf Courses, HOA2 will also gain ownership of the land that our current Ridgeview courts are built on and the property immediately to the north of the courts now used for parking and utility offices. With some site prep there is enough room to build eight more courts, a viewing area and bathroom facilities. The bulk of the construction costs would be the responsibility of SPA.
First the purchase agreement must be approved, then SPA must also obtain land for parking from HOA1. The HOA1 board has said that they realize popular pickleball is not only important to our 720 plus members but to the entire SaddleBrooke community and its future. Home values could be significantly affected if this proposal is not approved. Also, if passed, there will be more meeting rooms and dance floors for club activities when a new pro shop is built and the Mesquite building is remodeled. The proposal is a win-win for SaddleBrooke and SPA. Let’s make it happen.