Peakbagging in New England

Bruce Hale

The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club welcomes guide Aaron Schoenberg as the November program speaker. His topic will be “Peakbagging in New England,” a summary of climbs to 67 peaks in that area over many years. He will present this program at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 20.

Fifty-five years ago, Aaron began leading hikes for a couple of middle school friends in Harriman Park, N.Y. At that time, it was the boy scouts, the Ramapo Senior High School Hiking Club, the Adirondack Mountain Club, and the Appalachian Mountain Club. He has been leading all levels of SaddleBrooke Hiking Club hikes for nearly 10 years.

Aaron has climbed the 35 Catskill peaks over 3,500 feet and the 48 New Hampshire peaks over 4,000 feet. Then he extended his horizons by climbing all 67 4,000-footers in New England. In November’s program, Aaron will show photos from his New England peakbagging experiences and share stories and his love for these mountains.

Presently, Aaron is working on climbing to the high points in each state and has achieved 37 of them. He has also hiked and explored 43 national parks in the lower 48 states. He hopes to visit all national parks in the lower 48, plus four in Alaska and two in Hawaii by 2029.

The Hiking Club holds a hiking-related program six months of the year on the third Wednesday of those months. All are welcome to attend.