Party and wedding line dance lessons – easy and free!

Do you stand bewildered at wedding receptions when the DJ puts on the Electric Slide? Do you sit tapping your toes during the Boot Scootin’ Boogie? How come all those 30 year olds on the cruise ship know The Hustle when they weren’t even born yet? Here’s a chance to catch up and learn America’s classic party and wedding line dances in two easy one-hour sessions. No prior dance experience is required. No fees or club memberships are required. Just come and have a good time at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse on the following dates. Afterward, we can all retire to the Agave Lounge for Happy Hour!

Dates: Fridays, September 18 and 25

Time: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m.

Place: HOA 1 Vermilion Room

The first session on September 18 will include classic popular nightclub dances: e.g., the Cupid Shuffle, the Electric Slide and The Hustle.

The second session on September 25 will include a Tucson favorite, Boot Scootin’ Boogie.

These free sessions are sponsored by the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club and will be taught by experienced instructors with an emphasis on dancing, not standing around. What have you got to lose? Holiday dance parties are approaching! Mark your calendars and come get your groove on. R.S.V.P. to Dorothy Wood at 818-9119 or email to reserve your space! Space is limited to the first 30 dancers to respond.