Partner’s Western Dance 2019 holiday party
Jane Gromelski
I am sure you have read articles that inform you of the health benefits gained by dancing. It is good aerobic exercise. It benefits the brain by building synapses. And what other sport allows you to hold your partner in your arms while you participate? But the most important reason to dance is that it is fun!
When you dance, you hold your partner in your arms and become a single unit. You move as one. You hear the music and express it through your body motion. When everything goes right, it is exhilarating.
When it doesn’t go right? We laugh and try again. None of us dancing in SaddleBrooke are doing it as competitors. We do social dancing. Are we perfect? We may try, but we haven’t reached perfection yet. I hope we do before we are too old to remember what we were trying to perfect. We all started as beginners, so don’t be afraid to try. We all start with two untrained rebellious feet, four per couple, and then try to improve their response to our impulse. It gets easier with practice and then we see a new step we want to learn and off we go again. When the music sings its siren song, it is great to grab our partner and move as one to its beat.
Would you like to try Partner’s Western Dance? If and when we return to our regular activities, there are lots of air-conditioned opportunities here in the summer. There will be more lessons offered in the fall and more special dances. Lessons are not the end, they are the means to get you onto the dance floor, so you can enjoy Western dancing. When you dance, dance with confidence and smile. When you smile, your partner thinks you are having fun, it relaxes both of you, and soon you are having fun. Share the joy!
Remember, dance because it is good for you if you must, but most of all dance because it is fun.
Our website is SBPartnersWesternDance.wordpress.com.
For information, email me at JaneWesternDance@aol.com.