Parkinson’s PWR! MovesBalance Club: Taking the Group Outside!

Hans Von Michaelis practicing reach and Ted Birchard practicing kicking while walking.

Hans Von Michaelis practicing reach and Ted Birchard practicing kicking while walking.

Vera Shury

In the interest of keeping everyone healthy, we took some chairs and participated in the Flow routine and the resistance moves outside the classroom. Social distancing was easy! The air was beautiful and comfortable.

We start the class with the PWR! Flow which is a stand-up routine that is scientifically shown to help with balance and strength for Parkinson’s. It takes about 20 minutes to help with stamina and flexibility. We move into the resistance phase of the class on Tuesday that focuses on arms and core, then on to Thursday that is focused on legs and core. We end the sessions with breathwork and after class we work on voice and volume for 30 minutes. Most of the time the participants feel so good afterwards that some have used it as an activity for date night.

Exercise with the medication for Parkinson’s is the most effective way to delay the progression of the disease, and helps with a better quality of life!

Go to to check if you have that coverage in your health policy, or you can call the number on the back of your insurance card. It is not provided by Medicare.

Go to for United Healthcare and other insurance plans!

Go to for Blue Cross and other insurance plans.

Classes are offered twice a week. The annual dues are $10.

We are listed in SaddleBrooke One under exercise and support, and we have quarterly support and educational meetings on the third Thursday of the month 1:30 to 3 p.m. in SaddleBrooke One Art and Craft center Room 3, next to the Gift Shop. All are welcome! Go to for Parkinson’s info and support.

BIG/PWR! For more information contact Ted Birchard, president, at 520-825-1464, Hans VonMichaelis, vice president, or the certified trainer, Vera Shury at 275-8755 or by email at [email protected].