Paper Crafters’ holiday party

Winner: Ruth Robinson; Photo by Mary Barrios.

Carol Thompson

The SaddleBrooke Paper Crafters’ holiday luncheon/annual meeting was opened by our interim President, Debbie Hill, to the delight of all in attendance. We were impressed with the efforts of Ann LaPerre and her team as they put together a great end-of-year celebration.

SaddleBrooke One Vistas Dining Room was the venue for many creative games, activities and a wonderful chicken/salad buffet luncheon. Many members participated in a gift, wine tag or gift card holder exchange. We also brought a wrapped paper crafting gift to exchange with others at the event.

Ann’s bag of tricks included a game which challenged us to guess how many paper crafting items were in a large, beautiful glass vase. With guesses that ranged from 17 to 1000, Ruth Robinson went home with the vase and gifts with her spot-on guess of 84! In another game, those of us with cell phones enjoyed a creative session of answering many fun questions on phone features and operations in order to score points for the win. This unique game, won by Marjorie Herrmann, showed us who is the “smartest” smart phone user!

We also continued our outreach tradition by collecting money for the Tri Community Food Bank. Through the generosity of many members, we have helped those in need once again.

The holiday party was closed by another creative item of Ann’s, a take-off on “The Night Before Christmas” poem which was read by Debbie. We all had a lot of laughs and we can now turn our thoughts to the new year, looking forward to our January meeting when we will vote on our 2019 slate of officers.

We welcome visitors and new members at all of our meetings. Come and see what we’re all about! The SaddleBrooke Paper Crafters meet the second Wednesday every month in the SaddleBrooke One Arts and Crafts Room No. 4 at 12:30 p.m. For more information, contact our Vice President, Ann LaPerre, at or 520-668-7998.