Paper Crafters Getting Ready for the Holidays

Annette AuBuchor shows us the greeting hidden inside the gingerbread house.

Diana Wille

Recently, the SaddleBrooke Paper Crafters Club held two FunShops, helping our members get their paper crafting projects ready for the holidays.

At our Stars FunShop, members learned how to make an iris folding card, a triple easel, and a box card. A special thank you to Andrea Sahl, Carol Ratza, and Karen Latham for helping teach this FunShop.

At the second FunShop, our members learned how to complete an intricate gingerbread house. The roof of the gingerbread house can be removed, and the house then unfolds to reveal a festive holiday greeting, including a gift box, a Christmas message, a change purse, a wreath, and a poinsettia. It was so much fun. The project can be kept year after year, adding to holiday décor. Karen Latham, Karel Titone, and Lorna Fox helped Diana Wille present this project.

Does this sound interesting? We are welcoming new members into the SaddleBrooke Paper Crafters Club. We meet on the second Wednesday of every month in Craft Room 4 at SaddleBrooke One. And we schedule one or two FunShops each month on the first and third Saturdays of the month in Craft Room 3, also at SaddleBrooke One. Both craft rooms are near the SaddleBrooke One gift shop. No experience is necessary to join.

Would you like more information? Then please call Diana, our FunShop coordinator, at 602-769-5463 or email her at