Coming Soon! ARTwalk Artists Studio Tour in April

Senior Village at SaddleBrooke – March 2025

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings – March 2025

What Do Dragonflies Eat?

Thank you, Carrabba’s

Ann Vernon When it comes to generosity, Jennifer Starner, managing partner of Carrabba’s Italian Grill, epitomizes the term. For the Treats and Talents Charity Auction she is like the gift that keeps on giving! Last spring she and her staff hosted a cooking class for 15 auction attendees who purchased this fixed price event. It…

The Foods of Arizona at the FSL membership kick-off

Elizabeth Stephens The Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries, FSL, Annual Membership Kickoff event is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, 2014, in the MountainView Ballroom. The doors will open at 1:00 p.m. and the program begins at 1:30 p.m. Gregory McNamee, a dynamic speaker and prolific writer from the Southwest Center of the University of Arizona, will…

New location for CCS

We are growing! Last year Catalina Community Services provided nearly 50,000 clothing items for qualified, local residents. To meet the needs of even more families we have expanded our services. Our new clothing bank is located in the Catalina Pointe Plaza at 15920 N Oracle Road, Suite 150, next door to the Golden Goose Thrift…

4th annual Golf Cart Parade a great success

Forty decorated carts gathered at the HOA One Clubhouse. The decorations were creative and amazing with drivers dressed in holiday style. As the sun started to set, they all lined up and headed for Howland’s Highway. They proceeded to drive through neighborhoods that had the houses with the most lavish decorations. There were lots of…

Resurrection Church at SaddleBrooke celebrates Easter

Liz Boyd Because our usual meeting site is not available, there will be no SaddleBrooke service on Easter Day. However, church members and guests will still be celebrating Easter together. A bus will leave the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse at 8:15 a.m. and take some 40 people to attend the 9:15 a.m. Easter service at our…