SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

MountainView Bridge special events

Marian Rogge, third-place winner of the Sectional Swiss Team event

Ann Kuperberg Special News Event: The MountainView Bridge Club will combine with Small Slams and The Bridge Club of Greater Tucson on Wednesday afternoon, June 21 at 1:30 p.m. for a Longest Day Pro-Am game at the Activity Center to benefit Alzheimer’s research. A wine and cheese party will follow. Overflow players will go to…

Softball crowns winter champs

2017 Winter Season Monday Recreation League Champion – Webbscapes Landscaping, back row: Dave Good, Bobbi Noffsinger, Manager Tim Benjamin, Brian Shipman, John Vosper, Ken Schuttler; front row: Jason Noffsinger, Don Nolin, Gloria Krom, Janice Mihora, Mary Schneck, Greg Morgan

Carol Chiarello The five week Winter Softball Season has ended. It began January nine and went until April 21. Thank you to Pat Tiefenbach and Jim Smith for our team photos. Let’s see the results: Monday Recreation – This was close but Webbscapes Landscaping, led by manager Tim Benjamin, came in first with a record of…

The 2017 President’s Cup belongs to Dean Hampton

Left to right: Dean Hampton, Special Events Director David Cohen, President Bob Eder

Bob Edelblut The MPMGA Men’s Club held this year’s President’s Cup Tournament on Wednesday, March 30 and Thursday, March 31. Once again the Preserve and MountainView Golf Clubs provided all the challenge the contestants could handle and as all of you know so well Mother Nature was also a factor. A bit of everything described…