Jo Ann Ellison GLAAS (Gays Lesbians and Allies at SaddleBrooke) held an end of season cocktail party at the home of Joseph Panessidi and Orville Bell. There was a lot to celebrate as our organization has now exceeded 100 members! GLAAS is a club open to all SaddleBrooke residents, which offers support and visibility to…
SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing
Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet
Fit Fest Is Back!
Paper Crafters Support Senior Village
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
GLAAS end of season party
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
Bridge Clinic
Paul Shalita This clinic is a practice and critique session designed for players at intermediate and advanced levels who desire to improve their Bridge. No partner is necessary. No time commitment; come late, leave early. Meet potential new partners. Sessions run from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday mornings at 37901 S. Arroyo Way in…
Generals, July 2017
Curtains! CCP is giving back to the community
Lighting is a big part of any theater production or presentation. Hallway lighting, as well as daylight and outside lighting in the evening, can play havoc with a live theater performance and can almost ruin a speaker’s presentation if the audience cannot see images on the screen. At MVCC there was a lighting issue. For…
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
Partners Western Dance activities
Jane Gromelski Partners Western Dance Club will continue dancing in the summer months in the Mesquite Fitness Room on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. These are not classes, but informal practices. Harry and Dottie Adams have volunteered to provide music and will organize the practices so we don’t forget all the dances we have learned. As…
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
British Club coffee morning and book exchange
Twink Gates-Zimdar It was a hot, sunny June morning, Saturday, June 10 when nine ladies from the British Club gathered together for a coffee morning and book exchange held at the home of Beryl Saner. Once again enjoying their camaraderie and exchanging tales of their lives since their last get together with discussions on current…
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
Genealogy Club gets a sneak peek
Barbara Barr Members and guests of the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club were treated to a Sneak Peek of the new 2017 version of the Family Tree Maker program at the June 1 meeting. Gloria Quigg, the Education/Research chair of the club, shared the soon-to-be-released version of the genealogy software. As a Beta Tester for Family Tree…