Maria Menconi
It’s time to reserve your seats for the Oracle Schools Foundation gala that will be held on Sunday, Oct. 20, at 5:00 p.m., at the Vistas in SaddleBrooke One. Our theme this year is once again, “Champions For Children.” As a supporter of the Oracle Schools Foundation, we know that you will want to be there to celebrate with us. The evening will include dinner, a live auction, and special guest speaker, superintendent of public instruction, Kathy Hoffman. There will also be some terrific fixed price events (events and services that you can purchase tickets to and participate in later in the fall, winter, and spring) and a 50/50 raffle.
You can reserve your spot using the Oracle Schools Foundation website,, as well as select your menu options. The deadline for reservations is Oct. 6.
Sometime in September or early October, we will be publicizing our fixed-price descriptions on the website and in the local papers, so keep your eyes open. You will want to arrive at 5:00 p.m. for the gala and sign up early, as these opportunities will get snapped up quickly. As a quick preview, some of our fixed-price items include a Fourth of July blowout (but not on the Fourth of July), a wine tasting at the Wilhelm Estate Vineyards tasting room, a francophile dinner, a mosaics class, swim lessons, soup or dessert of the month (delivered to your door), a Texas hold ‘em event, and a Starry, Starry Night Stargazing party. In the live auction a few of the items you can bid on are a one night stay at the 3C Ranch, a two night stay at the White Stallion Ranch, a pizza dinner by the Lombardi’s, a Latin American dinner, a SaddleBrooke One library dinner, U of A men’s basketball tickets, and some special baskets (including a whiskey basket and an Octoberfest basket, among others).
This has been another exciting year for Oracle Schools Foundation. Through the generosity of grants, champion contributions, and corporate contributions, we provided pre-school tuition for all eligible three- and four-year-olds in the Oracle school district. Specifically, the Oracle Schools Foundation provided funding for 32 children, and all 50 enrolled students showed marked improvement in the measurements used to evaluate their progress. Thirty-two four-year-olds were promoted this year and will enter kindergarten next year with better literacy skills and better prepared to tackle academic challenges.
Please, go online now, purchase your seats, or better yet, become a sponsor, and purchase a table. It’s a great cause, so please join us for an evening full of fun, fundraising, and friends!