Front row, left to right: Carol Burke, Kay Clausen; back row: Kathryn Madore, Lynda Green
Karen Gray
On Thursday, April 6 five women from SaddleBrooke went to the Santa Rita Mountains to hike the Old Baldy Trail up to Josephine Saddle. Two of the women on this hike had only done C hikes before and so this was a challenge. Old Baldy is steep and goes up 1700 feet in elevation in about 2.3 miles. We took a short break at the Saddle before we headed down the Super Trail to Roger’s Rock. This is a side spur that goes through a pretty little valley with a small stream and then up to a huge rock overlook. This overlook has a view of Tucson, the Tucson Mountains and the Catalinas. It is a lovely lunch stop. The Super Trail is a longer and more gradual route down that has many switchbacks which have wonderful views. We saw some beautiful wildflowers along the way, including Indian Paint Brush and several we were unable to identify. Everyone was tired but enjoyed the hike and the challenge.