Ron Morris and Mrs. Claus
Carol Thompson
I am proud to be a member and contributor to the Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB)! Our membership grants monetary gifts to many local organizations in need: Gospel Rescue Mission, Family First Pregnancy Care Center and Diaper Bank, Youth On Their Own (YOTO), Young Life Capernaum, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Habitat for Humanity just to name a few. On Sunday, January 20 we held our annual Ministry Fair, along with our monthly Cookie Sunday, to showcase all the committees that do so much for our community.
This past Christmas season saw even more generosity from our church family. Those that participated in the Salvation Army Bell Ringers program at Bashas’ raised almost $12,000! We collected a special Christmas Eve offering during services and raised over $5,000 for Wycliffe Bible Translators. Last year’s total contributions to all local charities were over $275,000.
Every month our congregation has Blue Bag Sunday with special food needs for our Tri-Community food banks in Catalina, San Manuel and Oracle. Blue bags were handed out and we started out the 2019 year on January 6 when we collected canned goods and meats.
You can be a part of our giving community, too! Community Church at SaddleBrooke is a Christ-centered Church with the mission to glorify God by becoming a community of grace where people will receive, live and share the love of Jesus Christ. Join us at DesertView Theatre every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in SaddleBrooke and also at our upcoming Easter Cantata on April 14, Palm Sunday!