News from the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies

The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies was pleased to sponsor the thirteenth annual High Holy Day services, enjoying the insights of Rabbi Sanford Seltzer and the beautiful rendition of the High Holy Day liturgy by Cantorial Soloist Sarah Boltt, accompanied by Carolyn Cochran.

The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies announces that the Shabbat services for the remainder of the year will be held on Friday evening, November 13 in the Mariposa Room of the DesertView Country Club and on Friday evening, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the West Ballroom of the MountainView Country Club. The lively service is led by Rabbi Seltzer and Cantorial Soloist Sarah Boltt, accompanied by Carolyn Cochran. Please mark your calendar for Shabbat services on Friday, January 22, 2016, (Mariposa Room, DesertView Country Club), February 26, 2016 (Mariposa Room, DesertView Country Club), March 25, 2016 (West Ballroom, MountainView Country Club) and April 29, 2016 (West Ballroom, MountainView Country Club). All services begin at 7:00 p.m.

An optional dinner at 5:15 p.m. precedes services in the MountainView complex (Those attending will be notified via email of the location). A plated dinner with a choice of salmon medallions or chicken Florentine will be offered with a total cost of $18, all inclusive of gratuity and taxes. Dietary accommodations can be made. Ellie Adelman will be coordinating our Shabbat meals and she must receive reservation and payment one week before the dinner. Ellie lives at 36500 South Rock Crest Drive (Unit 15) and can be contacted by phone 818-3064 or email at There will be a container at her home to receive payment made out to SBHOA2. Please join your friends at the Institute for Shabbat dinner at 5:15 p.m. prior to each Shabbat service.

Shabbat services are followed by a festive Oneg Shabbat reception. The November 13 Oneg Shabbat is being jointly sponsored by Joan Elder in honor of granddaughter Samaya Elder’s Sweet Sixteen birthday on November 19 and by Rita Pollak, with gratitude for being part of the community. The December 18 Oneg Shabbat is being sponsored by Elise and Dan Fischler in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary. Mazal Tov Elise and Dan!

Please consider sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. It is a meaningful way to mark a milestone event in the family. We are seeking sponsors for our services in 2016. For further information about being a sponsor, please contact Kim Halper at 825-7135.

During the past several years, the entire SaddleBrooke community has looked forward to Rabbi Seltzer’s classes during the winter months.

Rabbi Seltzer will be presenting a four session series on the concept of Jews as the chosen people, in his words, “among the most controversial and misunderstood concepts of Judaism.” The four sessions will examine how and why it became a basic teaching in Judaism, the views of various Jewish thinkers past and present regarding it and its implications not only for Jews, but for Christians and Muslims as well. The course will explore Biblical, Rabbinic and Mystical origins, reconciling the Holocaust and other tragedies of Jewish history with divine election, comparing and contrasting the claims of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and the theology of being chosen as reflected in secular Zionism and the State of Israel. The four sessions are scheduled for Thursday, January 28, 2016, (Mesquite Grill, MountainView complex), Wednesday, February 3, 2016, (West Ballroom, MountainView Country Club), Thursday, February 11, 2016, (Mesquite Grill, MountainView complex) and Wednesday, February 17, 2016 (West Ballroom, MountainView Country Club). All sessions begin at 7:00 p.m.

The Institute welcomes back to SaddleBrooke those returning members and looks forward to seeing you at Institute programs and services.

For further information about membership and the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies, please contact Joel Wyner at 825-8175, Sandy McNabb at 825-4122 or Sam Horowitz at 468-6994.