New SaddleBrooke Gardening Club

Members of the new SaddleBrooke Gardening Club

Members of the new SaddleBrooke Gardening Club

Robert and Lynne Kumza

The new SaddleBrooke Gardening Club (SBGC) is off to a fast start. During the first two weeks since the initial announcement, 70 people requested that their names be added to the new club roster, and 33 participated in the new-member meetings held in May. The initial meetings focused on discussing our mission, social functions, organizational structure, gardening challenges, and communication alternatives. In the next few weeks and months, we hope that many new members will join us and contribute their ideas to this rapidly growing club. Now is the time to discuss what members want from the club and how they might contribute to the success of this new venture.

In our first two new member meetings, gardeners have already made several suggestions and improvements to the initial ideas presented in the meetings. Members made it clear that they wanted an “all-inclusive, fun club” where everyone, regardless of their interests or experience, could enjoy both the social and gardening aspects of our club.

SaddleBrooke gardeners find that sun, heat, soil quality, bugs/pests, rodents, birds, wind, deer, fewer pollinators, and knowing how much and when to water are some of the biggest challenges we face while gardening in the desert. Many of the more experienced members suggested solutions to these gardening issues.

To have your name added to the roster of the new SaddleBrooke Gardening Club, send an email to [email protected]. Come join our club to learn about gardening in the desert, having fun, and meeting new friends.