New events for Windy City friends

Karen Schickedanz

2016 is a Leap Year, so the Chicagoland Windy City Club has planned another fun event for Leap Day.

Formed just under a year ago with an inaugural pizza party, the Windy City Club invites anyone who once lived in Chicago or its suburbs to join in this year’s fun at a casual, baseball-themed party beginning at 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 29 at HOA 2’s Mesquite Grill. The menu includes hamburgers, hot dogs, two sides and ice cream sundaes.

The ticket price is $25 per person for a Windy City member and $30 for a nonmember. For 2016, the club has instituted $5 per person annual dues to cover incidental expenses like decorations and prizes.

“We plan to continue these Chicagoland gatherings throughout the year so people can enjoy reminiscing about their hometown, make new friends and maybe even reconnect with some former neighbors,” said Linda Rouse. She and her husband Dick and Maureen and Ed Van Dorn serve as co-chairs of the club.

To reserve your bleacher seats at next month’s party, send your check no later than February 20 to Windy City Club, c/o Bob Loeb, PO Box 8717, Tucson, Arizona 85739. To qualify for the $25 membership ticket price, you will have to pay the $5 annual dues before February 29.

If you already are a dues paying member of the club-—or have indicated prior interest in Windy City activities-—you will receive an invitation to February’s party via email. If you would like to become a member and receive future notifications contact membership chair Joyce Sutay at 825-4220 or