A sure sign that fall is coming to SaddleBrooke is the start of a new movie season at the DesertView Performing Arts Center. The DesertView Cinema Club has been screening movies here since the DVPAC opened in 2005. Our twelfth season will begin on Tuesday, November 1. Showtimes remain 2:15 and 7:00 p.m.
Our opening movie will be Money Monster (R). Synopsis: Landing in dire financial straits after following a stock tip from bombastic TV persona Lee Gates, fuming Kyle Budwell takes the lout hostage on live television and threatens to kill him unless he turns the stock price around before the closing bell.
Cast: George Clooney, Julia Roberts
To see the full movie schedule, synopses and trailers visit our website www.desertviewcc.org.
The DVCC remains a membership club. Dues for 2017 are $10 per person. Checks to DVCC can be sent to our treasurer Bob Goodman at 39939 S. Clubhouse Drive. Payments can also be made at the door before any show. Members pay just $2 for admission. Non-members pay $3.
Ruthe Burgener headed the Movie Selection Committee the last two years. We thank her for her outstanding service. Ann Patterson-Barton has volunteered to replace Ruthe. If you wish to join her committee, email her at apb@ikarosllc.com.
The 2016 season was our most successful ever. We’re hopeful of even greater success in 2017.