New colors added to geranium choices

Posies for your patio

Posies for your patio

Margaret Hubert

Delta Gamma ladies in SaddleBrooke are once again selling geraniums.

This year we have eight colors in six inch pots to brighten up your garden: red, white, mosaic red, orange, salmon, violet, rose and mosaic purple, new.

All six inch pots remain the same price at $7.50 each or three for $22.00.

Ten inch hanging baskets also have a new color of rose/pink added to red and burgundy.

Hanging baskets are $17.50 each or two for $34.00.

Tucson charities, which help the blind and deaf, receive our profits.

Please call Margaret Hubert at 818-9213 or Beth Effenberger at 825-6964 to order.

The deadline for ordering is Friday, February 14.