You can now see these great dancers on YouTube; world class participants from SaddleBrooke; thanks for watching.
Dr. Mark Magdanz
Local SaddleBrooke dancers are now showing up on international media provider YouTube. April 22 Gary Hammond (producer of Sights and Sounds) attended and videoed the action at the Spring Line Dance with Rebecca party. He then took the footage home, edited, titled and submitted the results to YouTube. Uploaded on June 2, there are eight separate videos online from that one party. Gary Hammond also previously produced two instructional videos of dances choreographed by Rebecca and Mark Magdanz.
The online dances can be searched by typing in the name plus line dance video on your YouTube search screen. i.e. – Come on Back Line Dance Video. This is a list of our SaddleBrooke performed dances for you to search. If you have any trouble you can type in the full link listed. Come on Back, Feel Lucky Walkin’ and Arizona Waltz are three dances choreographed by Rebecca and Mark Magdanz right here in SaddleBrooke. And you should note that Arizona Waltz, performed by Rex Allen Jr., is our state song—and, oh my goodness are there great slide shows with the music on YouTube!
Videos include: DHSS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD_6KOnmpLQ)
Feel Lucky Walkin’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSCPn1hHdx8)
Arizona Waltz (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY4Q8KQLFi0)
The Only One: Imelda’s Way: Tell the World: Meringue Espana: Come On Back
Here is a link to our state song Arizona Waltz and there are multiple slide shows beyond this which you can link to for wonderful reminders of our diverse environment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7xedmvJTzk&list=PLPhak930tdzIr_lcICXrW7LLBFMIOEGmg&index=4
So a great time was had by all and a small ($385) donation was raised for Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. Hope you can find and enjoy the videos and see your now infamous dancing neighbors. We’ll see if we can get Gary to video our other theme dances in the near future, I Don’t Look Good Naked Anymore and Reba’s new song Livin’ Ain’t Killed Me Yet for your viewing pleasure soon.
Line Dancing with Rebecca follows sound educational principals and emphasizes lots of fun. To sign up for line dancing in 2016, contact Rebecca Magdanz at linedancin4SB@aol.com or phone 818-2656 for information.