MPWGA Coyote Classic

Co-chairs Dawn Roarty and Connie Maslowski (left) with a few cute coyotes and Tracy McGeorge (right) who helps with sponsorship (photo by Denise Cashmore)

Denise Cashmore

MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) held their annual Coyote Classic Golf Event on May 7. This event was co-chaired by Dawn Roarty and Connie Maslowski and sponsored by Coyote Golf Cars (of course). More than 60 MPWGA members picked their partner to make a two-person team. Ladies checked in at The Preserve Golf Course bright and early and were presented with a gift bag full of golf swag! The weather was perfect, sunny in the 70s with a slight breeze, for the 7:30 a.m. shotgun start. Each player played her own ball, and the best net score on every hole was recorded for each team, with each member contributing at least four holes. There were also Closest-to-the-Flagstick contests for all par 3s.

At the end of the round, with the wind picking up, players were ready to head to the MountainView ballroom to drop off their scorecards and enjoy lunch while final results were being tallied to determine low net totals for flight winners. On the lunch agenda was also a business meeting of various club reports, during which time the ballroom somehow intercepted the audio from another room where clearly “singing” was in progress. So, a mysterious serenader faded in and out of the background, causing much giggling and prompting some ladies to “sing” their reports to the club. It was delightful!

Special thanks were extended to Dawn Roarty and Connie Maslowski for all their hard work in putting together a fun event, to Tracy McGeorge for securing Coyote Golf Cars’ generous sponsorship, and to our MPWGA president Brenda Creel who announced that she will eventually be moving out of state to be closer to her grandbaby.

Final flight results were as follows: Flight 1: 1st place (63) Judy Grow and Janey Clausen, 2nd place (67) Brenda Creel and Lori Stegink, 3rd place (67) Denny Dalton and Jackie Kline, 4th place (68) Karen Wilson and Barbara Laskowski; Flight 2: 1st place (62) Kim Cox and Debbie McMullin, 2nd place (64) Deb Anderson and Karen Erickson, 3rd place (65) Ralene Peters and Betty Cole, 4th place (65) Jo Helms and Tracy McGeorge; Flight 3: 1st place (62) Jeana Hodges and Susan Dell, 2nd place (64) Aleta Rosenthal and Ann Van Sickel, 3rd place (64) Denise Cashmore and Brenda Henrichs, 4th place (65) Connie Sherman and Corky Bosch; Flight 4: 1st place (59) Jenni Farquhar and Diane Marchand, 2nd place (66) Debbie Mielke and Barbara Sullivan, 3rd place (70) Andrea Gray and Marilyn Brewer, 4th place (72) Sharon Marchione and Donna Yon.

Closest-to-the-Flagstick winners were as follows: Hole 4, Andrea Gray; hole 6, Melanie Bassham; hole 11, Jackie Kline, and hole 14, Dawn Roarty.