President’s Cup winners, left to right: Karyle Steele, Linda Rouse, Karen Koch, Marilyn Horn; photo courtesy of Holly Riviere
Diane Mazzarella
Karyle Steele won the MountainView/Preserve for the second year in a row with the lowest net score among all the players. Participants in the two-day flighted tournament played at MountainView on Monday and Tuesday, November 7 and 8, 2016. First place flight winners were first flight Linda Rouse, second flight Karen Koch and third flight Marilyn Horn. Assistant Pro Ken Steinke announced the winners who received golf shop gift certificates.
About an equal number of members opted to follow the field and played only Tuesday in their own competition and then all enjoyed lunch in the MountainView Ballroom and congratulated the winners. Anyone interested in joining MPLN may call Membership Chair Rita Smith at 818-9239.