Event sign

Chairperson Sandy Dickman
Eileen J. Snearly
With the arrival of COVID-19, all of us have had to make some adjustments.
The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) have met the challenge and held a safe golf event on Sept. 15. This event was a charity golf tournament held at MV Golf Club.
The charity that was chosen was Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for childhood cancer. Without the usual luncheon the golfers were handed a goodie bag with cookies, candy, and lemonade drink.
We all thank Chairperson Sandy Dickman for her outstanding leadership and her committee. Even with social distancing and masks, it was a successful outing for 62 MPLNiners and their guests.
On the nine tee boxes there were rocks painted by Susan Elliot with inspirational messages.
The grand total raised for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation was $1,711.