Bonnie Schoenfelder
In the winter session of Move to the Music we learned 12 new dances in eight weeks while logging as many as 5000 steps per session, a really nice moderate aerobic experience. It doesn’t even seem like exercise, just a lot of fun. We also dance to almost every kind of music except classical. Country, of course, since that is the genre that got it all started, but also rock, blues, Latin, waltz, foxtrot, night club, tango and swing. A great advantage of the class is the opportunity to meet interesting, fun loving, SaddleBrooke neighbors from all over the US and sometimes Canada.
There are different approaches to line dance and this class is focused on exercise and is less about memorizing complicated routines and more about movement to a variety of great contemporary music. It is a class aimed at newcomers to line dance, but experienced people can also have a great time. By the end of the eight-week session the participant will be exposed to most of the standard moves and sequences of line dance, which will enable them to move up easily to other line dance opportunities of which there are many in southern Arizona. A couple of examples ar: Desert Dance in Mesa usually held in March which features a chance to learn from international choreographers, and Rincon Annual Beginner-easy intermediate workshop, usually held in February, featuring local teachers from southern AZ communities. Both events are a chance to dance with enthusiasts from other line dance groups and learn some of the latest in line dance. Join us October 30-December 17 on Tuesdays 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the SaddleBrooke One Fitness Center, for the fall session which features newer beginner-high beginner dances. You can reserve your place now by calling or texting Bonnie Schoenfelder 952-897-0291 or email