MountainView Lady Putters to resume September 21

Ann Cristofani and Marcia Munich greet MVLPutters at the July luncheon.

Ann Cristofani and Marcia Munich greet MVLPutters at the July luncheon.

Shannon Martinell

We are happy to announce that the MountainView Golf Course renovation is on schedule to be completed by mid-September and we will begin our weekly putting again on September 21, 2015. Early putting announcements will begin at 7:30 a.m. and the late putting group announcements will begin at 9:00 a.m. on the patio behind the Mesquite Grill. For our two September putting dates (September 21 and 28), all putters will pay a fee of $1 each week to cover the greens fees. Our dues will cover the rest of the year.

Our July luncheon was held on Monday, July 13, 2015, and 36 members were in attendance. Fifteen of those members met at the SaddleBrooke One bocce ball court for 90 minutes of bocce ball play prior to the luncheon at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse. This was a play for fun event interspersed with lively conversation that turned out to be a great substitute for our usual putting. In fact, it was such a success that members requested that we meet for bocce ball again prior to our August luncheon. Please join us on August 10 at the bocce ball court at 9:30 a.m. On September 14 we will hold our Catalina Ranch House Fashion Show luncheon to preview new fall fashions. Menus for the luncheons can be found on the MVLPutters website at

Looking ahead at Special Events, mark your calendars for Moonlight Madness on October 25, a Sunday evening. This is a not to miss event; be sure to invite friends or family to join you in this often hilarious annual evening event. On November 4 we will travel to Quail Creek; then our big annual luncheon is scheduled for December 14.

We would love to welcome new members beginning September 21. No golfing experience is required; just bring your willingness to meet new people and socialize in the good company of new friends. For any questions about MVLP, feel free to contact Cathy Scott at 520-825-0775 or email her at