Putters on Memorial Day (left to right): Ginnie Schoepf, Ann Cristofani, Pam Smith (past president), Jan Arruda (event advisor), Annette Moyle (member at large) (photo by Eileen J. Snearly)
Gay Uhl and Eileen J. Snearly
Memorial Day was the day to honor American veterans and kick off the 2022 fundraising project of the MountainView Lady Putters.
This year, our fundraising project for San Manuel School is a “Science Bus” for the junior high students. According to principal Dr. Michelle Poppen, this traveling science lab will be a great addition to the STEM curricula. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
We know the world needs doctors, nurses, lab technicians, scientists, inventors, engineers, computer programmers, and mathematicians. There is no reason why some of those can’t come from a small town like San Manuel. The students just need something to grab their interest and spark their imagination to give them a vision of the possible. We can be a part of making that happen.
There are about 120 junior high students, and MVLPutters has more than 120 members. Their goal is to raise enough money to bring the Science Bus to San Manuel School. Therefore, “Let’s Stuff the Bus.”