MVLP President Jean Kraus
Marilyn Ginther
Early on Jan. 17 the MountainView Lady Putters (MVLP) Board of Directors, donning their pink shirts and black slacks, arrived to set up for the rush of ladies coming to register for the new 2024 year of putting. New members submitted their forms and checks before attending a brief orientation and being given the opportunity to sign up for the task or event they wish to assist with throughout the year. Returning members were then given the same opportunity.
The morning was completed with a brief introduction of the new board members and those leaving the board (having served for years and having done a fantastic job!). A slight change occurred due to unforeseen circumstances, so we welcomed the return of Jean Kraus, a past president, as our president for 2024. We look forward to a fun new year.
With 25 new members and four renewal members from prior years, we are currently at 130 registered members to date. We anticipate there will be more members, as the snowbirds return soon.
With new excitement in the air, we are looking forward to the February Founders Day luncheon on the second Monday of the month. As we embark on celebrating our 26 years of MVLP, we will honor 22 of our past presidents, 17 of which will be in attendance for this great occasion.
If interested in joining the ladies each Monday morning on the MountainView (SaddleBrooke TWO) putting green, check out our website mvlputters.com for contact information. We welcome ladies with little to no golfing experience, as well as avid golfers. All you need is a putter, a ball, and a desire to have fun. Go Putters!