Linda Hampton, executive director of Senior Village at SaddleBrooke
Marilyn Ginther
Guest: During the July luncheon for the MountainView Lady Putters (MVLP), they were honored to have special speaker Linda Hampton, executive director of the Senior Village at SaddleBrooke “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” She shared a PowerPoint presentation regarding services available to SaddleBrooke residents. Senior Village has also been showcasing musical talent here in SaddleBrooke at their monthly Music Matinee, which is free to the public.
Guess: The Putters continued their fun with a special trivia game played during their August monthly luncheon. Can you answer these MVLP trivia questions?
Who was the founder of the MountainView Ladies Putters?
What year did the club begin?
How many ladies were in the startup group?
Who is the current president?
What is the name of their weekly correspondence?
Answers: In February 1998, Lou Ann Garvin gathered 33 interested ladies to putt their first round. Twenty-five years later, the club continues, currently under the leadership of President Patty Stark. She keeps the members in the know with the weekly newsblast at www.mvlputters.com online and via email.
How well did you do?
Giving: Also during the summer, the MVLP ladies have been collecting charity donations for the annual Mammoth/San Manuel School Supplies fundraiser. This year they are donating to the teachers’ fund, which provides grants for classroom items and supplies that any of the pre-K through high school teachers can apply for. It could be copy paper or decorations for the classroom to make the kids feel warm and welcomed or special books or art supplies, etc. Donations are accepted by the special “yellow box” at the monthly luncheons, the standard black box (near the Rincon Room), or mailed to Marilyn Ginther, treasurer. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated. As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” Help put a smile on their faces!
Go Putters!