MountainView Bridge Club News

Spring is arriving, so it’s something to tweet about.

Ann Kuperberg

Some of our duplicate bridge players attended the Tucson Regional Tournament at the end of last month and early in March. Perhaps the luck of the Irish was with them so they could add more master points to their collection.

Back in SaddleBrooke, we continue to play bridge at the MountainView clubhouse near the Golf Shop. We meet at the Catalina Room every Tuesday, except the second Tuesday of the month. If you need a partner or further information, contact JoAnn Aiken at or phone 520-256-2702. Our website is

Many contributors to the Bridge Bulletin focus on doubles.

Stephen Castellino wrote about the difference between take-out and penalty. He said, “When we are in a fit-finding stage of the auction and a potential fit is available, a double is take-out.” However, he continues that if we have not found a fit, a double is penalty. “If a player passes on the opportunity to make a take-out or penalty double, partner should give consideration to making a protective double in the passout seat.” Castellino added that conventional doubles like Negative, Responsive, and Support double take precedence.

Larry Cohen continues on the same topic. He mentions passed-hand doubles. “Just because you already passed, doesn’t mean you can’t make a take-out double.” He adds, “When responding to such a double, be aware that game is out of the picture.” To respond, make sure you have plenty of values. When the opponent overcalls, Cohen suggests, “With shortness, always double, even with a dead minimum. With a doubleton, try to double, but not with a dead minimum. With at least three cards in opponent’s suit, don’t double.” Cohen concluded, “Doubles on the 1 or 2 level are not for penalty unless the partnership has specifically agreed otherwise.”

Lots to remember!