April showers bring May flowers while bridge players stare at their computer screens.
Ann Kuperberg
Congratulations to Paul Rizza on reaching the Silver Life Master level and to Sue Bush for becoming a Bronze Life Master while playing bridge online.
Bridge Base Online tries to encourage players to compete in special events every month, including some where you can earn Gold points. The cost is minimal and the challenge keeps your mind active.
Frank Stewart wrote in his recent column, “My Bridge and Yours,” in the Bridge Bulletin, “Everybody has pet peeves at the table. Mine is self-indulgent and uninformed criticism: hearing a player chew on his partner when the fault for a bad result was his own.”
He ends his piece by saying, “Do your partner and yourself a favor: save postmortems for a dispassionate setting after the game when you can criticize yourself as well as him.”
Luckily, online, you don’t have much time for a lengthy comment in the chat box.
You also don’t see facial expressions or hand gestures.
Karen Walker addressed reverse rebids. She said beginners often overuse reverses with the wrong strength. You should have 17 or more high card points and a longer first suit.
Ms. Walker suggested, with 16 hcps. and two doubletons, open 1 NT. When you have a five-card major and 6-card minor, open the major, then rebid the minor twice.
It’s wise to discuss these bids with a partner so there’s no confusion.
The MountainView Bridge Club will have in-person games as soon as SaddleBrooke opens the club rooms.