MountainView Bridge Club

Ann Kuperberg

Ho, ho, ho. It’s that time of year. Some of the SaddleBrooke duplicate players had the spirit early and went to two tournaments at the end of last month and beginning of this month.

There was a Non-Life Master Regional and Tucson Fall Sectional in Tucson, followed by a National Tournament in Phoenix a few weeks later.

Doug Fritz sponsored a Top-Flight Pairs game in memory of his beloved wife Jo on Dec. 3 at the Phoenix game.

Carl Travor became a Life Master before these tournaments began, so he’s definitely in good spirits, maybe alcoholic, too.

The Mountainview Bridge Club welcomes all duplicate bridge players, whatever their level of play. Games are every Tuesday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Catalina Room, except the second Tuesday of the month. If you need a partner or further information, contact JoAnn Aiken at [email protected] or phone 520-256-2702. Our website is

Philip Adler wrote a piece about defense in Bridge Bulletin: “What is the worst part of almost everyone’s game? Right—defense.” He said defenders help their partners with signals, usually playing a low card to discourage. He gave an example of when to encourage partner: West leads the Ace of spades from AKJ3. He needs to know if partner has the missing Queen.

“At trick 1, East is being asked about the Queen, the honor touching the 2 shown by West’s Ace lead. If East has the Queen, he plays the highest spot card he has. If not, he drops the lowest spade. There is one other time when your card is attitude—when you discard in a suit that neither side has yet led. Lastly, if third hand has a doubleton in this suit, he can play high-low.” This advice is good in a suit contract, not notrump (NT).

Lynn Berg gave advice on when to look at minor suits: “When you do raise partner’s minor-suit opening, you are also delivering a shape message, denying you have a major suit to show.” You are also saying you can’t bid NT. Those players who use the “Inverted Minor” convention will get to NT if they have stoppers in the majors and enough high card points. Sometimes a slam in a minor is better than 3NT.

We’ll be welcoming a new year and should look forward to more challenges at the bridge table.