MountainView Bridge Club

The beautiful Catalina Mountains have a golden glow near sunset.

The beautiful Catalina Mountains have a golden glow near sunset.

Ann Kuperberg

Labor Day has come & gone and the presidential election is constantly in the news.

We avid bridge players may take a break from the game to watch some TV or read a book, but we’re back on the computer ready for another challenge.

With Tucson clubs offering daily games through BridgeBaseOnline (BBO), we can compete. Then again, for those of us who just want to play without the stress, there’s a casual game, too.

The monthly Bridge Bulletin gives articles from experts on various topics.

Robert Todd wrote one about negative doubles. He said the classic negative double is when you have the two unbid suits and enough points to bid. Another example is when you have the other major and partner’s minor, hoping partner will bid NT. Yet again, you may have the other major and you are ready to bid NT with a stopper in the opponent’s suit. He goes on to describe a one-suiter hand or very strong hand.

Adam Parrish gives advice on when to finesse or play for the drop. When you have an eight-card suit, missing the queen, finesse. When you have a nine-card suit, play for the drop.

If you’re missing the king, Parrish says, with 10 cards, you finesse; with 11 cards, play for the drop. If you’re missing the Jack, with seven cards headed by AKQ10x, play for the drop.

The bulletin articles give us good advice.

When we play, if we pay attention to our mistakes and compare results from our game with other players, we should learn something and improve our skills.

The MountainView Bridge Club will eventually open again. Meanwhile, SaddleBrooke is a great place to live.