MountainView Bridge Club

Stephanie Parks

Hi all. Unfortunately Terry Coe cannot help me with this column for the foreseeable future, and I have run out of steam, so this will be my last column for the club. I appreciate all the kind words I’ve heard from you from time to time; thank you. In September we had nine games with an average of 10 tables. I think we have a new record, or what has to be very close to the highest percentage game we’ve had — Steve Maltzman and Donna DePesa had a 77.17% game on September 20 in a field of 10.5 tables. This amazing duo also won our local Unit-Wide Championship sitting N/S with a 64.02% game – enough to bring them in second for the entire Unit.

Bonnie and Bob Hertzog won in the East. Bob Murray and Betty Meyer took our Club Championship on September 2 with a 60.45% game, just a bit better than the N/S leaders Darlene Barstad and Roy Aiken who came in with a 58.71% game.

Congratulations to all of you! Barbara Feeley Sullenger paid homage to those friends and family we have lost over the years, reminding us to cherish every day we share with one another. Speaking of sharing time together, our holiday party will be held at the RoadRunner Grill in HOA 1 after the game on December 13. There is a small charge ($7) for the amazing dinner they serve every year and well worth it. Please sign up as soon as possible if you will attend. I understand Cam Mette is retiring as president and candidates are welcome.

Tuesday and Friday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. in the Mariposa Room at DesertView. Table fees are $4. If you need a partner call Jean Reitan at 520-445-8225 or email her at