Crystle Nehrmeyer
On June 30 the Oracle Elementary School District Governing Board recognized Shannon Soule, principal at Mountain Vista K-8 School, for being named the 2022 Arizona Rookie Elementary School Principal of the Year. Mrs. Soule was nominated for the award by teachers, staff, and parents. This prestigious award was given by the Arizona School Administrators, an organization that promotes and supports educational excellence in school leadership.
Mrs. Soule was nominated because of her incredible leadership as a new principal. One teacher at Mountain Vista said, “I have never known another person, teacher, or administrator who even begins to connect to students in the way that Mrs. Soule does.” Another teacher said, “She is not quick to jump to conclusions and hears students out.” Her superintendent said, “To start the school year with a renewed momentum following the pandemic, Mrs. Soule created a ‘Standards Boot Camp’ for certified teachers at the school. The teachers came together to familiarize themselves and analyze Arizona’s College and Career Readiness Standards across grade levels and content areas. It helped us get back on track.” A Mountain Vista parent wrote, “She has mastered the art of being firm yet fair, has rules yet maintains relationships, and keenly remembers that no matter what she is doing in that moment, she is doing it for our children and our community.”
Mrs. Soule is a shining example of our Mountain Vista community and one of the many reasons we are “Small Town Roots, Global Expectations.” Before serving as the school principal, Mrs. Soule served as a classroom teacher and supported the district superintendent in the role of dean of students. Mrs. Soule can be reached at and at 520-896-3033.