Monday Mixers Is Starting Up on November 6

Nick Mares

Looking for some fun? We are about to get the ball rolling, or should we say putting!

SaddleBrooke’s Monday Mixers is a putting group for couples and singles, and is open to all SaddleBrooke residents. You do not have to be a golfer, all you need is the desire to have fun and meet new people. We will even provide the equipment for those who don’t have a putter or golf balls.

This group gathers on Monday afternoons at 3 p.m. for practice. The putting begins at 3:30 p.m. and usually lasts about one hour. After putting, many of our members will gather at one of the SaddleBrooke restaurants to enjoy each other’s company over food and drink.

Join us on Monday, Nov. 6, or any Monday thereafter, to join the group.

Monday Mixers run from November into April. The cost is free for the first week, then $20 for the season. All monies that are collected are paid out monthly to the weekly winners (men and ladies), with the rest of the monies paid out at the end of the year.

Should you have any questions, email or call Nick Mares at [email protected] or 610-662-5693.