MOAA Hosts Flag Day

Members of the Catalina Mountains Satellite Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America are (left to right): Col. Phil Osterli USA (ret.), Col. Bill Nagy USAR (ret.), and LTJG Dave Bull USN (former).

Members of the Catalina Mountains Satellite Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America are (left to right): Col. Phil Osterli USA (ret.), Col. Bill Nagy USAR (ret.), and LTJG Dave Bull USN (former).

William Nagy

June 14 was Flag Day throughout the United States. To commemorate the day, Catalina Mountains Elks Lodge number 2815 hosted a ceremony to honor the U.S. flag at Vistoso Memorial Chapel in Oro Valley. A history of the flag from Jamestown in the early 17th century to present-day, the 50-star flag was presented in a unique and combined audio/video presentation. Many service and veterans organizations were in attendance. The Catalina Mountains Satellite Chapter (CMSC) hopes to resume its monthly meetings in SaddleBrooke in October 2020. Specifics of the meeting will follow in future announcements. The CMSC of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is part of Tucson MOAA and encompasses Northern Tucson to include Catalina, Oracle, parts of Oro Valley, Marana, SaddleBrooke, and Sun City. For additional information, contact Col. Bill Nagy at or visit The Military Officers Association of America is a non-profit veteran’s association dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and preserving the earned entitlements of members of the uniformed services and their families and survivors.