Men’s 9ers 2021 Membership Campaign Begins October 21

SB Men’s Niner officers (left to right): Gary Brunelle, Jay Love, and Gary Beeler

SB Men’s Niner officers (left to right): Gary Brunelle, Jay Love, and Gary Beeler

Dick Cook, Publicity Chairman

Why join the SaddleBrooke One’s Men’s Niners?

1. To golf in a friendly setting with new or existing friends

2. To learn more about the game in an easy 9-hole format

3. To experience competitive fun with other golfers in the community

Who can join?

Membership in the SaddleBrooke Men’s Nine Hole Golf League is available to all male residents, renters, or lot owners of SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO for the 2021 golf season.

Niner’s will enjoy membership in the Arizona Golf Association (AGA), having a current and up-to-date Golf Index and Handicap to golf competitively in men’s niner events and other golf events outside the league.

The Men’s Niners play golf on Wednesday mornings and play nine holes with different members each week. League play occurs on SaddleBrooke’s three nine-hole courses. During the season the Niners host and participate in events with other nine-hole golf associations in the area. The 2021 League golf season starts on Nov. 4, 2020, and the members are eager to meet new faces.

How much are the membership dues?

Annual league membership dues are $70 and include the dues for AGA. Membership period runs from Nov. 1, 2020, to Dec. 31, 2021. The new members information letter explains how to make the dues payment. The membership fee for new members joining after June 1, 2021, is reduced to $50.

How do I join?

New Member Information Letter and Membership Application Form are available in the SaddleBrooke One Golf Shop, or can be printed from home on your computer, by going to Men’s Niners website, and find the New Member Information Letter and the 2021 Men’s Niners Membership Application Form listed on the left-hand margin of the site. For questions, contact Membership Chairman Dick Ashwood at or 308-641-8974.

Men’s Niners Website

The SaddleBrooke Men’s Niners has a user-friendly website designed for the golfer. It provides information on the upcoming schedule of events, league rules procedures, winners reports, and contact list for the league board members. Visit

2021 Men’s 9ers Membership Campaign begins Oct. 21

2021 Membership Meeting, Oct. 21, 2020, from 9 to 11 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse, Agave Lounge.