Photographer Molly Fullerton
Written articles have interest, but what brings those words to life? Pictures! The SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association is grateful to photographer Molly Fullerton for the multiple pictures taken at our golf events. She moved to SaddleBrooke five years ago from Seattle and “active” became her middle name. As a police officer for 13 years, Molly relished the variety this job brought: excitement, camaraderie and a career of making a difference in today’s world. “I was working in Narcotics alongside a scratch golfer and wondered why he wasn’t on the PGA tour. How little I knew! I remember telling him that I was a natural at the game of golf. How little I knew!” The police had a golf league and Molly found interest in the game, took a few lessons and became smitten with golf.
How does photography fit into her story? Beautiful, interesting photographs taken on a three month trip to Italy became a scrap-booking adventure. As a result of creating great scrapbooks, her interest of photography grew. A new camera has added to that experience.
She currently is employed in the HOA One Pro Shop, having a bundle of previous experiences relating to golf. Pro Bernie Eaton hired her “on the spot.” She’s an accomplished golfer and along with her infectious laugh and smile is a joy to be around. Thank you, Molly, for choosing SaddleBrooke to be your home and being an asset to the SBWGA. We appreciate you.