Ask your Master Gardener event March 25
An Ask Your Master Gardener Event will take place at SaddleBrooke Ranch Saturday, March 25 from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners will be available to answer your landscape and garden questions on design, plant selection, plant care and maintenance, irrigation and identification and treatment for pests and diseases. We will be having demonstrations such as the best way to transplant a cactus, composting made easy, the how-to’s of home irrigation, how to protect your plant from the cold and other helpful gardening information. Bring in any plant specimen samples or photos to show us your problems. We’ll be located on the patio near the tennis courts at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Hacienda Club.
For more information contact Ellen Sosin at, 781-784-6827.
Community Lecture and Plant Sale – April 20
A Community Lecture Event will take place April 20, 2017 (Thursday) at 1:00 p.m. at the MountainView Clubhouse in SaddleBrooke.
Lecturer: Debbie Mounce, Retail Operations Manager of Harlow Gardens Landscape and Nursery.
Annual Plant Sale at 11:30 a.m. (prior to the lecture)
Topic: Bullet-Proof Plants; plants that are heat tolerant, blasting sun tolerant, drought tolerant and often cold tolerant. They never run from a fight.
Debbie Mounce, from Harlow Gardens, was introduced to gardening by her Godmother, whose nickname was “Mud” and who came by that name honestly. Debbie likes to tell people that even though she does not have a degree in horticulture, she does have a “Muddy Knees” degree.
Debbie has been with Harlow Gardens for 21 years, sharing her knowledge with customers on site and also within the Tucson area and Green Valley. She also has hosted the 5-Minute Gardener on KVOA-TV in Tucson for about five years.
Harlow Gardens, a landmark in the Central Tucson area, was started in the late 1930s by John M. Harlow, Sr. and his wife Mary. In 1957, they moved the business to 5620 E. Pima and have subsequently created one of the Southwest’s most widely-known and respected landscape design companies, as well as a one-of-a-kind garden store and nursery.
As usual, the Master Gardener Community Lectures are open to the public and this time we will be extending you an invitation to our annual Plant Sale beginning sharply at 11:30 a.m. on the patio outside the MountainView Ballroom.
Please mark your calendars today for this gardening event.