Many thanks, Bob Eder (MPMGA)


Bob Edelblut

It may be difficult to accept but Bob Eder has finally and officially retired. His almost six-year tour of duty on the Board of the MPMGA serving first as its Special Events Director and then as its President ended when the New Year began. You need not worry, Bob, Jan has your schedule set for many months to come.

Like many of his predecessors, one of Bob’s last acts as President was to preside at the club’s Winter Bash. At the end of his program he took the time to express to all our members his genuine appreciation for the opportunity they had given him to be their President. You could tell it was an emotional experience. Then President-elect Matt Kambic took over and offered in a few short minutes mountains of deserved praise to Bob for his years of unselfish leadership and countless contributions to the club. The applause was deafening and emotions peaked!

Many of you reading this article served on the Board with Bob these past six years. Certainly, all of you would agree that Bob was committed to enhancing the golf experience for all our club’s members. The time and energy he expended pursuing that single purpose during the 3.5 years he served as Special Events Chairman and the two years he served as President were truly amazing. Several past Board Members were willing to share with me a few of their feelings about Bob. Here they come: one of his greatest strengths was his commitment and dedication to do whatever he felt was best for the MPMGA; I can’t imagine anyone caring more about the club and its members; let me please express my sincere appreciation for all the help he provided me. Paints a pretty clear picture of how his peers viewed him, doesn’t it?

Reviewing page after page of Board Meeting Agendas, as I have, also paints another clear picture of Bob’s personality. He enjoyed taking on difficult tasks. Remember when participation in our Special Events was declining year after year? The plans he put in place not only stopped the slide, they caused participation to increase. This trend continues today! Not only was he organized, he was prepared and each and every plan he presented for consideration was full of details. He made your Board better. Thanks again, Bob, for all you have done. You will be missed!