Barbara Barr Bengen and Patricia Gould, founders of WIN (Wellness Integrated Network of SaddleBrooke)
Barbara Barr Bengen
So, here you are, trying to live life to the fullest, when “stinkin’ thinkin’” hits you! Most of us moved to SaddleBrooke because we wanted something better during these chapters of our lives. We didn’t want to get old and crotchety! We didn’t want to live in the past! We didn’t want to be like Aunt So who was miserable as she aged. But then that “stinkin’ thinkin’” clobbers us.
Here are five simple research-based tips for our well-being as we age. They are simple, but I never said they are easy!
1. Ditch that “stinkin’ thinkin’” about aging. A recent study from the AMA found the 60s, 70s, and 80s to be some of the most productive years of a person’s life. As we age, there are so many rewards, such as greater confidence and feeling of self-worth, significant wisdom, and even clearer priorities. Focus on the positive aspects of growing older.
2. Kick stereotypes to the curb! Who says you can’t learn new things? It may take longer or need more effort, but there are plenty of SaddleBrooke residents who have learned to be good at technology or new trends in sports, the arts, or just living. There are lots of classes and neighbors to help you learn.
3. Learn to pivot! As we age, we don’t have to stop doing things. We just may need to adapt. You can pivot from tennis to POP tennis, from jogging to walking, or from golf to putting. We are lucky enough to live in SaddleBrooke where there are so many ways to pivot and friends to join you on the journey!
4. Make time for social activities. Even introverts need time with people. The Mayo Clinic found social life so important for both the mind and body!
5. Find purpose. A study in Psychology Today found that purpose makes a difference in mental health and in physical health. Get out there and find a new hobby, volunteer to help others, and find new ways to add meaning to your life.
Life in SaddleBrooke is like an “Easy button” to make these five tips work. So, take advantage of all this community has to offer to make these chapters of your life some of the best chapters of your life!
We are not having a program in the ballroom the first Friday of October, but we have some small group classes!
Meditation (complimentary)
Fridays in the Agate Room of the Arts & Crafts Center
8:30 a.m.: Introduction (new attendees)
9 a.m.: Meditation
New attendees register at [email protected].
Look Younger with Essential Oils (complimentary)
Even Cleopatra used essential oils to look younger.
Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 1 p.m. at the home of the education team member
Register at [email protected].
Reiki Second Degree
Learn the next steps in the history and fundamentals of this healing energy.
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 22 and 23, at the home of Patti Gould.
For more information or to register, email [email protected].