Children are our future. We all know that and not just here in the United States but around the world. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to focus on education and what the future holds for anyone who is hungry. When you don’t know where your next meal is coming from, all energy is directed to that end. Feed My Starving Children is a worldwide organization with the following mission: To feed starving children hungry in body and spirit. With God’s help, they want to reach everyone until all are fed. They will work together with organizations and ministries across the globe to end hunger.
LINKS is an acronym and the “K” in the acronym stands for “Kindle compassion for the poor and needy.” So that is why LINKS Players is so happy to support the work that Feed My Starving Children is doing right here in Tucson. Twenty-three people from SaddleBrooke LINKS Players participated in food packing sessions at Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene on Saturday, January 21. In one two-hour session, LINKS, along with others who participated, packed over 38,000 meals, enough to feed 105 children for a year—wow! Over three days at Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene 272,000 meals were packed—enough to feed 746 kids for a year.
Packing sessions were also held at two other sites in the Tucson area and the total meals packed for all three sites was over 800,000 or enough to feed about 2200 kids for a year. Now that’s making a difference!
So you see LINKS Players is not just about fellowship and golf, although each of those aspects is important as well. But we also cherish making a contribution to highly rated charities like Feed My Starving Children. Won’t you come and join us in fellowship and golf and help us with the service component of our mission as well?
If you’re interested in joining our LINKS group or just getting more information, please call our President Dave Thomas at 520-825-3017 or email him at You can also contact our Vice President Joe Kasile at 520-825-2201 or email him at You can also check out the LINKS Players International website at