The magic Number – 47. That’s our new record for dancers on the floor of the Vermilion Room on December 29 for the Tweener (between the holidays) Party. This happy group enjoyed an afternoon of line dancing with Rebecca and the extra funds raised over expenses were donated to local animal rescue projects.
Dr. Mark Magdanz
All three of Rebecca’s dancing levels began the winter season the week of January 19. If you have never danced with Rebecca, fun, laughter and fitness are key ingredients in her classes. One student reported that her Christmas present (a FitBit monitor with a new strap from Mobile Mob) recorded 6400 steps performed in the first 90 minute class session. That’s 65% of the daily recommended steps in 111% of the walking daytime hours!
The annual Tweener Party – held between the holidays – had over 47 attendees, and the fun raised almost $200 leftover dollars to help fund Tucson’s’ trap/spay/neuter project controlling the feral cat population. Fun and funds for our little friends are always on the agenda.
Health and fitness wise, two keys to lifelong fun are participation and learning. Find something that challenges your brain and that is enough fun to participate in forever. With music, exercise and too many dance options to ever learn, line dance is one of your best options. So you never get bored there are over 75,000 published dances in the line dance world; this is a long term fitness and learning opportunity. That’s why line dance is continuing as the number three fitness activity for seniors worldwide.
Rebecca will have new spring series starting in April for Level 1 Beginners, Level 2 Advanced Beginner/Easy Intermediates and Level 3 Intermediates. No matter your experience level you ought to contact Rebecca to determine the best place for you to begin your lessons. Classes are taught on a reservation basis. Folks are already reserved into 2016, so to guarantee a spot you’re best off contacting Rebecca ASAP. Sooner is truly better as space dwindles faster each year.
Level 1/Beginner is the easiest learning pace and building knowledge, fitness and endurance are the focus – beyond fun (Monday morning sessions). Level 2 Advanced Beginner/Easy Intermediate dances are a bit more complex and the teaching pace is faster (Monday evening and/or Tuesday morning sessions). Level 3 Intermediate dancing is the most vigorous physically and memory challenging dances are performed (Thursday evening sessions).
Student Practice sessions covering all three skill levels are continuous year round and function to seal skills and dances into muscle memory. Low impact line dancing has been proven to ease the obstacles of aging if done weekly; note: 6000 steps per day are now recommended for knee arthritis prevention. Move it or lose it is true and proven with the latest research. Line Dance classes provide most (and often all) of the steps to protect your knees in each class and practice.
Line Dancing with Rebecca follows sound educational principals and emphasizes lots of fun. To sign up for the 2015 spring season, or get started planning beyond, contact Rebecca Magdanz at [email protected] or phone 818-2656 for locations, cost information and to be placed on one of her reservation lists. Rebecca is a 10 plus year full-time SaddleBrooke resident and teaches (over eight years) year round in both SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch.