Latin Rhythm Dance Club – December 2014

2015 Dance Schedule

Latin dancing is an aerobic activity that exercises your body and mind while improving your body’s balance all at the same time and it’s fun! The Latin Rhythm Dance Club is SaddleBrooke’s premier dance organization dedicated to bringing professional-level dance instruction to SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents. Our dance activities include basic classes, specialized workshops, private instruction, members’ social and dinner dance parties and instructional DVDs on the dance of your choice.

Monday Basics Dance Classes

Basics dance classes meet Mondays from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Vermilion Room at SaddleBrooke One throughout the year. Our well attended sessions include all popular Latin and some traditional dance styles. A different dance style is presented each month. Couples and singles enjoy our instructional and entertaining dance sessions. Instruction is by Jeanny and Wally Mara.

January: Salsa Basics. The classic Latin fast dance

February: Tango, American Style, smooth and flowing

March: Samba, Brazilian Style; fast, furious and fun

April: Latin Club Dances; some popular, some new

Note: Latin dancing is fast, vigorous and aerobic; be sure your doctor approves!

Members’ Dance Workshops

Members’ dance workshops are for those with previous dance experience who wish to improve their skills. Workshops meet Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in the Vermilion Room. Enrollment is limited, so please reserve your place before the class meets!

January: Merengue. Basics and beyond. One of our favorites.

February: Salsa Patterns. Progressing from the Monday series.

March: Tango Fusion. Tango fused with steps from other dances.

April: Brazilian Samba. Progressing from the Monday series.

Your $5 per class materials fee includes a step sheet and a dance practice CD.

Learn to Dance DVDs

It’s easy to learn to dance at home. We have produced a series of instructional dance DVDs from videos taken during our four session (six hours) professional level dance classes. The DVDs include demonstrations of each session’s dance routine and detailed analyses of the steps in the routine. Among others, dances include Bachata, Bolero, Cha Cha, Merengue, Rumba, Salsa, Samba and Tango. We ask a $10 donation to the Latin Rhythm Dance Club for each DVD. Contact us for the current catalog.

Monthly Members’ Dance Parties

We DJ monthly evening dance parties in the Vermilion Room at SaddleBrooke with one starting at 6:30 pm generally on the third Tuesday of each month. These dances are free for members and $10 for nonmembers. SaddleBrookers: This pays your club dues for 2015, making you a member. If you’ve wondered what Latin dancing is all about, our dance parties are the ideal way to find out. They’re great social functions with the best dance music in SaddleBrooke!

Best Deal in SaddleBrooke

This is the best deal in SaddleBrooke. Your $10 membership in the Latin Rhythm Dance Club supports our dance classes and parties. For information about our dance activities, dance instruction DVDs or club membership contact or call  818-0604. Ask to be included on our email list.