Hot August nights are back
Latin dancing is an exciting activity that exercises your body and mind while improving your balance. And it’s fun! The Latin Rhythm Dance Club is dedicated to bringing professional level dance instruction to SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents. Our dance activities include basic classes, specialized workshops, private instruction, members’ social and dinner dance events and instructional dance DVDs.
Monday Basics Dance Classes
Basics dance classes meet Mondays year round from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. (1:00 to 2:30 p.m. on second Monday – Bingo Day at SB1) in the Vermilion Room at SaddleBrooke One. Our well attended sessions include all popular Latin and some traditional dance styles. A different dance style is presented each month. Instruction is by Unit 21 residents Jeanny and Wally Mara.
August Quickstep – A fast and exciting ballroom dance
September Nightclub Two Step – A slow dance with Salsa patterns
October Latin Club Dances – Salsa, Mambo, Cumbia and more
November Merengue – Our most popular (and easiest) Latin dance
Note: Latin dancing is fast, vigorous and aerobic; be sure your doctor approves!
Thursday Morning Dance Workshops
Members’ Dance Workshops, which meet Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Vermilion Room, include specialty dances or more advanced patterns from dance styles taught in the Monday sessions.
September Paso Doble – The exciting and showy Cuban Style dance
October Nightclub Two Step Patterns – Continuing from the Monday class
November Salsa Patterns – Continuing from the October Monday class
Your materials fee of $5 per session includes dance step sheets and a practice music CD. Class size is limited so preregistration is required.
Hot August Nights!
It’s that time again. Time for the dinner dance event of the summer! The Hot August Nights dinner dance party starts at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday Night, August 15 in the Vistas at SaddleBrooke One.
What a way to go! Chef Dave Bishow’s creative food, the Agave Lounge’s fabulous drinks and friendly service by the Vistas’ responsive wait staff. All this with SaddleBrooke’s best listening and dance music served by our resident Dancing DJs, Jeanny and Wally Mara.
In addition to the musical entertainment, the Dancing DJs will present a 30s and 40s musical trivia game (name the artist) based on number one hit tunes from those two decades that we’ve all heard. As a bonus (and to help work off some of your dinner) they will also teach a complementary mini dance lesson of authentic Latin Salsa.
We were sold out last year so make your dinner reservations early by calling the SaddleBrooke One office at 825-3048 or 815-1885. Ask for the Hot August Nights dinner dance event Saturday evening, August 15!
Best Deal in SaddleBrooke
Your $10 membership in the Latin Rhythm Dance Club supports our dance classes and parties. For more information about our dance activities, the current catalog of dance instruction DVDs or club membership contact or call 818-0604. Ask to be included on our email list.