First-place winners Sue Dischner and Debbie Thompson (photo by Steve Weiss)
Wanda Ross
The SaddleBrooke Lady Niners hosted the MountainView Preserve Lady Niners at SaddleBrooke TWO in our annual Across the Brooke Tournament. This event began in 2003 in the spirit of community sisterhood, so this year we celebrated 20 years of playing together. How appropriate that this year’s tournament was held on Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. Each year we have fun, play golf, meet new friends, and enjoy delicious luncheons. It was no different this year, but the weather was chilly, so golfers were dressed in warm layers. Our SaddleBrooke TWO neighbors were pleased to play our course with us. In spite of the cold weather, we had a great time. We wore lots of pink and red and even some valentines to honor the day. We played a scramble golf game from the aqua tees and bought mulligans, magic putts, and sand tosses, which made the game even more fun. We enjoyed a delicious luncheon and had our always-popular cash raffle. What a wonderful way to get to know our golfing neighbors.
Tournament winners:
* First Place: Debbie Thompson and Sue Dischner
* Second Place: Barb Starrett, Val Malik, Laura Benson, and Wendy Odell
* Third Place: Edie Crall, Charlene Leach, Jo Carter, and Rosemary Bounds
* Fourth Place: Theresa Mares, Linda Morsani, Vicki Long, and Janet Fabio
* Fifth Place: Raye Cobb, Marcia Kelm, Sharon Mikolitis, and Kathy Turner
Other winners:
* Closest to the Pin: Jo Carter, MountainView; Nancy Wylie, SaddleBrooke
* Closest to the Squiggly Line: Marla Butcher, MountainView; Marcia Munich, SaddleBrooke
Niners Unite Tournament
On Feb. 22 the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners were scheduled to play in the annual Niners Unite Tournament with the SaddleBrooke Men Niners Golf Club. Unfortunately, on that day, Mother Nature decided to provide heavy winds, rain, and even snow, so we did not get to golf. We did, however, enjoy a nice luncheon of Tuscan chicken thigh with red pepper, cream sauce, parmesan and herb-roasted fingerling potatoes, and ratatouille, topped off with a delicious cherry cobbler with vanilla ice cream. The luncheon afforded the opportunity to get to know one another, even though we didn’t golf together.
SaddleBrooke Lady Niners is a fun, friendly, respectful league of lady golfers who play a 9-hole golf game each Tuesday morning. If you would like to play golf regularly, join the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. Check us out at www.sb9ers.org. New membership applications are available outside the SaddleBrooke Pro Shop in the Posting Room.
We Niners are very appreciative of our event sponsors: Coyote Golf Cars, Desert Life Pharmacy, Golf Cars of Arizona, The Moore Advantage Team, Morris Hall, PLLC, and RidgeView Physical Therapy.