Winter on our beautiful golf course
Wanda Ross
We SaddleBrooke Lady Niners enjoy golfing together every Tuesday morning. That is always fun, but sometimes we have special golf events that bring us more excitement.
We were eager for our Niners Unite Tournament on Feb. 23. For this tournament, the Lady Niners golf club plays with the Men’s Niners golf club. We hadn’t held this tournament in two years, so we were enthusiastic about golfing with the guys in a special scramble format with mulligans and other fun. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans for us. Do you remember that very cold day with a bitter cold wind? Or maybe you remember that it snowed in the afternoon. Wisely, our two Niners groups chose not to golf that day. Sometimes wisdom does win out. Instead, we enjoyed a very nice luncheon together at the Vistas Restaurant in the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse. We enjoyed roasted pork tenderloin with applejack-bacon chutney, roasted sweet potatoes and winter vegetables, followed by a warm peach cobbler with ice cream. Comments were heard about what a great job Chef Chris Prior is doing. We also enjoyed a 50/50 cash raffle with many winners.
We’re definitely excited about an upcoming tournament, which is our Lady Niners Invitational to be held on March 28. President Terri Tindal says, “This is an event that has not happened for too long due to a virus that ‘shall not be named,’ so we are doubly excited to see this happen.” We have plans for a really fun day. Many other nine-hole ladies’ clubs in the Tucson area have been invited, and we anticipate a big attendance. There will be special mulligan packets, a putting contest, a cash raffle, and a basket raffle. This full-day event starts with a continental breakfast followed by our 9 a.m. shotgun golf event. We will have a luncheon, again in the Vistas Restaurant, with a Birdie Salad of grilled chicken on a bed of mixed greens with mandarin oranges, red bell pepper, and fried wontons. Prizes will be given out during the luncheon. What a fun day this will be. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other golfing ladies and to learn about other courses in the Tucson area. Maybe this will expand our golfing opportunities.
SaddleBrooke Lady Niners is a fun, friendly, respectful league of lady golfers who play a nine-hole golf game each Tuesday morning. If you would like to play golf regularly, join the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. Check us out at www.sb9ers.org. New membership applications are available outside the SaddleBrooke Pro Shop in the Posting Room.
We Niners are very appreciative of our event sponsors: Desert Life Pharmacy, RidgeView Physical Therapy, Coyote Golf Cars, Golf Cars of Arizona, and Morris Hall PLLC.