Many costumed Niners enjoyed the day. (Photo by Stephen Weiss)

Beautifully costumed Mary Jo Swartzberg and President Kat Danner (Photo by Stephen Weiss)
Wanda Ross
Holidays are a great reason for a party, and the Lady Niners love a party. So, on Oct. 19, we had a creative Halloween team golf game followed by a very fun, delicious luncheon. The hot turkey and brie sandwich with basil pesto and Roma tomatoes on grilled ciabatta bread with side salad was a big hit, as was the salted caramel gelato. Thanks to the SaddleBrooke Vistas food and beverage team for an excellent event. Once again, Vicki Long, the chair of this event, did an excellent job of organizing and creating a festive Halloween atmosphere. We love how she makes us all feel so special.
We had many wonderful Halloween costumes for the occasion. The winners for best costumes were Kathy Coffman for first place, Yvonne Garthwait for second place, and Sandy Wagoner for third place. Our president isn’t allowed to win the costume contest, so Kat Danner received an honorable mention for her costume.
Congratulations to our winners of the Halloween team golf game:
• First place: Carolyn Ford, Sharon Mikolitis, Louise O’Donald, and Linda Merritt
• Second place: Wendy Odell, Shirly Morris, Sandra Wagoner, and Hedy Gryszan
• Third place: Theresa Mares, LeAnn Ellingson, Rosemary Bounds, and Barb Johnson
• Fourth place: Sheryl Nugent, Marilyn Fisher, Lavetta Torke, and Wanda Ross
Speaking of winners, only the first three winning teams of our LAGOS golf event in September were listed in the paper. Here are the additional winners:
• Fourth place: Geri Sandilands, Sheryl Nugent, Edie Crall, and Val Malik
• Fifth place: Joan Chyall, Christine Smith, Barb Katz, and Janet Rasmusson
By now, our snowbirds should all be arriving back in SaddleBrooke. We welcome our returning members with open arms, fun golf games, and plenty of camaraderie.
Now that we’re into a cooler season, this is an excellent time to join the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. Have you been away and golfing with friends in other places? Have you not golfed in a long time and are thinking of maybe getting back into the game? Did you golf some here in SaddleBrooke this summer and now you’d like to golf more often with more structure, fun games, and tournaments? Good news! Membership is only $40 until the end of the year. What a deal!
Have your friends been telling you how much fun we have at Lady Niners? Probably so, and that is not an exaggeration. Every Tuesday morning, we golf in friendly, nine-hole games at one of the three SaddleBrooke golf courses. Often, several of us gather together socially at the RoadRunner Grill after golf. The combination of golfing and socializing opens the doors for wonderful new friendships.
We have a variety of competitive tournaments throughout the year, plus just-for-fun events. On Nov. 9, we Niners partnered with the Sputters, the HOA1 ladies putting group. This is a fun partnership with a long tradition. We were especially happy to be playing together this year, as we were unable to do so last year. How did this event work? Two Niners and two Sputters made a team. The Niners hit their shots to the greens, then the Sputters took over and did the putting. Of course, we celebrated our partnerships and fun with a luncheon following the game.
On Nov. 16, we have a Turkey Shoot, which will be another creative, fun game with a theme of gratitude. Our very merry Holiday Party will be on Dec. 14. This event will start with a fun golf game, followed by a festive luncheon where we say goodbye to our old officers and welcome the new ones. We also celebrate our sponsors Coyote Golf Cars, Golf Cars of Arizona, and Morris Hall PLLC as invited guests and express our gratitude for their support.
So, ladies, this is a very fun time to join the Niners. Membership details are at www.sb9ers.org; then click on “How to Join.” New membership applications are available outside the SaddleBrooke Pro Shop in the posting room. We look forward to your joining in the fun with us.